
Hello readers,

I apologize for the shortage of photos in the past while. For a lack of a better excuse, I have fallen behind on my photo-taking. I hope to get photos up of my daily life and trips I have taken in a short bit. Posts on my written blog will also be coming up in the following days.

A bientôt!


23 janvier 2011


Coffee cake is only one of the highlights of the day.

22 janvier 2011

defeating theft protection

At last pried apart the anti-theft tag that was never taken off the
comforter I bought in September.

21 janvier 2011


My mom, brother, and good friend Tycen came to visit Besançon for the day.
Finally took a picture of the house where Victor Hugo was born.

20 janvier 2011

jouffroy d'abbans

Waiting by the infamous statue next to the Pont Battant.

19 janvier 2011

pierre guy

Voyaged to Pontarlier, the original birthplace of absinthe in France.

18 janvier 2011


I have to admit, I failed to take a picture for the day.
So I borrowed tomorrow's picture of our pancake breakfast.